Chai tea, tie dye, surfing, love, cats, rings, feathers, unity, crystal prisms, trees, autumn, paint, rain, yoga, relax.
Monday, 31 October 2011
Personal Style.
I definitely don't think I could ever be or call myself a fashion blogger. I do not have the energy to get dressed up decently every day. Not to mention how uncomfortable it can be to wear a dress while caring for a toddler. Although, I do actually have an immense love for fashion! I love 50's dresses, cute shoes, and awesome make-up! I grew up as some what of a tom-boy, so I have a great love for comfy pants, loose t-shirts, and plaid shirts as well. I won't lie, I wear yoga pants 80-90 percent of the time, but wearing a pretty dress with a belt at the waist, some tights, and my hair down makes me feel so feminine and beautiful! Over the past, say, eight years my style has really evolved. In high school I rocked band shirts, skinny jeans, and plaid shirts almost every day (hipster?). Not to use labels or stereotypes, but I went through some "phases". haha. In my last year of high school is when I discovered fashion blogging and I really gained a love for looking great, and therefor feeling good as well! I truly believe beauty comes from the inside and shines on out, but we all feel way more confident when we think we look good. As a young-adult woman I love myself and the way I look almost all the time, we all have our bad days... Basically, I give kudos to you fashion bloggers, for being brave enough, and looking so effortlessly cool almost every day! I couldn't do it.
Sunday, 30 October 2011
forest spirit
The trees danced in the wind as the stream gently kissed the pebbles. The moss whispered sweet somethings to the tree bark. The grass grazed our knees as we made our way to each other, the dew wet and cold. When our eyes met it was like the seven seas came crashing down together. Your dirty finger nails told stories of far away where no one knows us. Our skin became kindling and your lips began smoke signaling. The flame became us, and I tried to drag the demons from you. Scratching and scraping my skin. I can make you whole again.
(my words, photo source unknown)
Saturday, 29 October 2011
Wish list.
I know Christmas is two months away, but making wish lists is fun. Besides, my birthday is next week. ;) And yes, I know, these are all mostly from ModCloth! I have been obsessed with their online store for years, no one else has quite as an amazing selection of dresses as ModCloth. :))




Monday, 24 October 2011
Getting lost.
Getting lost in me and found in you. Our eyes are a reflection of each other's. I reach into your soul as deep as an ocean, pull myself out and see us. Felt a rush of cold when you weren't here and wondered if you felt it too. I dreamed of you until the day I saw you. You are my most heavenly downfall.
(image sources unknown, if any of these are yours or you know the source please tell me, so I can give credit where needed!)
Friday, 21 October 2011
This morning I woke up about an hour before Rose, I took advantage of the quiet time and did some baking which was lovely! I baked a Banana Oat Chocolate Chip Loaf, and some cup cakes for my brother's birthday. Once Rose was awake and fed, etc. we went to the mall to do a bit of shopping and then took a stroll downtown to enjoy the fall weather! How was your day? Are you enjoying the seasons change?
Thursday, 20 October 2011
Been feeling pretty darn "blah" lately. My best friend just moved back to Calgary today and work seems to really be taking a toll on me lately. It's definitely not easy being a working single parent! I am just trying to stay as positive as possible, but some days are better than others. I am so thankful to be blessed with Rose. She truly could not be any sweeter or more joyful, I am so lucky. Seeing her smile every day is what pushes me and drives me to stay focused. I want to be the best I can, for her. What keeps you focused? Do you have someone in your life who keeps you going every day or who inspired you daily?
Saturday, 15 October 2011
Autumn is here.
A bunch of photos from yesterday of Rose and myself playing my parent's back yard. :)
Yesterday was pretty lovely. They were doing fire drills and inspections in our apartment building so I decided we'd go out to my parent's house for the day to avoid the noise. Rose had a great time running around their house and visiting her grandma! She took a 2 hour nap and then we walked with her in the wagon to meet my brother after school. It's always so cute to see him interacting with his high school friends. He turns fifteen next week, I cannot believe it!
Thursday, 13 October 2011
Tuesday, 11 October 2011
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