Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Day 6

A picture of the person you'd love to trade places with for a day.

Come on, she's pretty bad-ass!

Check this out!!!

Seriously, if you haven't already seen or heard of Bianca Green check out her website! 
I will definitely be purchasing some of her prints for Miss Rose's bedroom! 

Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Some links :)


Here are some links I found just peachy lately...

This post by Danielle @ sometimessweet! 

I haven't tried this recipe, but it sure looks delish! 

So happy for Elizabeth and her fiance Dan!

Is it bad that I envy Miss James' kiddo's lunch?

I was inspired by this post on Le Happy!

Day 4

A picture of your night.

My best friend, and vagabond of sorts arrived back in town.

Monday, 29 August 2011

ee cummings

i carry your heart with me(i carry it in

my heart)i am never without it(anywhere

i go you go,my dear;and whatever is done

by only me is your doing,my darling)

i fear

no fate(for you are my fate,my sweet)i want

no world(for beautiful you are my world,my true)

and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant

and whatever a sun will always sing is you

here is the deepest secret nobody knows

(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud

and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which grows

higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)

and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart

i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart)

Day 3

A picture of the cast of your favorite show.

I always have a probably always will find Friends absolutely hilarious.

Sunday, 28 August 2011

Learning to wear my heart on my sleeve.


Day 2

A picture of you and the person you have been closest with the longest

This is a photo from 2008 of my  younger brother, Adam and I. I am five years older than him and since the day he was born he has been my light.

tattoo talk

I have a crazy love for tattoos, although I only have the one, much like most tattooed people I have plans for more.

here are some links to some tattoos I am kind of a little bit jealous of...

this! these! 
her back piece is amazing!
this post from Kaelahand take a look at her very own tattoos!

Saturday, 27 August 2011

30 day photo challenge

Day 1: A picture of yourself & ten facts!

1. I am covered in freckles.
2. No coffee = no life.
3. I'm in love with my best friend.
4. My animals mean more to me than most people do.
5. My daughter is named Rose, after my Great-Grandmother.
6. My little brother is my world.
7. If I ever met Samuel L. Jackson I would cry.
8. Sylvia Plath inspires me everyday.
9. Drawing and painting are my favorite pass-time.
10. It actually took me a long time to come up with ten facts.

Thursday, 25 August 2011

Wish I was wearing...



These are my current online lusts, I am obsessed with silver jewelry and pairing long skirts with tanks this summer! 

Skirt: modcloth  Tank: forever21
Accessories:  forever21

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Homemade Chili

Yesterday it was wonderfully cool outside, so I took the opportunity to cook up some spicy chili. Here's my recipe and some pictures too, quality sucks since they are only from my iPod.

What you'll need:
1 pound ground beef, turkey, or chicken
1 green bell pepper, diced
1 medium onion, diced (any type works)
2 celery stalks, chopped
1 fresh tomato, diced
5 garlic cloves (more or less)
hot peppers of your choice (I used a jalapeno, jupiter, cayenne, and banana pepper)
1 large can of kidney beans
1 can diced tomatoes
1 can crushed tomatoes
1 can tomato paste
1 tbs oregano
1 tbs cumin
3 tbs chili powder
cilantro (about a handful)
salt and pepper
2 cup chicken, beef, or vegetable stock (water works too!)

What'cha do...

First heat a large pot on medium heat and brown the meat of your choice, drain any greece/liquid half way through for best results. Once the meat is browned add the celery, onion, and green pepper.
Let the veggies cook a little bit while you prepare the garlic and hot peppers. I just put the garlic straight into my magic bullet along with the peppers after taking the seeds out. Make sure you wash your hands really well after handling the peppers. Once you give those either a quick chop, puree, or whatever you please add them to the pot too. Cook until the onions are almost translucent.

Next, add the spices and stir. Then add all the cilantro, canned tomato products and the fresh tomato, stir again.

You'll need to drain and rinse the beans, once you've done that add them too.

Next, add the stock or water, you might not want to use all of it, or you might want to use more.

I like my chili really spicy so I added some dried cayenne pepper, paprika, and Siracha Hot sauce.

Let it simmer for at least 30-45 minutes on low. The longer it simmers the yummier it gets!

Note: for a vegetarian version substitute meat with more beans of your choice and corn goes great too!


(yes, that last one was taken on my patio floor for best light... ;))

And if making chili doesn't make you happy maybe cats and babies do...


Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Thank You, Universe!!!

Have some catching up to do today, but for now I am going to chat about what in my life I am oh so thankful for. So here's my little ol' list...

Supportive and understanding friends.
Rose's adorable laugh, she just always brightens any day.
Safety and security in my home, work place, etc.
Coffee. Strong coffee.
Going for early morning runs.
Peace and quiet... every once in a while.
My family living in the same city.
Folk music.
The most comfy pants accompanied by the most comfy sweater.
Sleepy time tea.
Late evening talks with Cody, and everything that man does.
My adorable kitty.
Beautiful sunsets and the smell of the ocean.

Monday, 8 August 2011

Bedtime ramble...

I don't get tampon commercials. Who surfs, does the limbo or back flips of a diving board when their menstruating anyways? Kudos to you if you do, I prefer to spend this lovely time eating chocolate and crying.

Monday Links

Here are some lovely links I loved last week!

I love these helmets modcloth posted!

Miss James and her kiddos are more than precious! 

I love this casual summer outfit post! 

Shannon always puts together a wicked outfit! This one is very Carrie Bradshaw! ;)

I may be wearing a baggy t-shirt but...

I wish I was wearing...


Boots, Ring, Dress: modcloth Sunglasses: fred flare

Thursday, 4 August 2011

Baby Girl

Here are some photos from our life lately...




Okay, well more then  some pictures...
Seriously need some of the boy though!


We've been a little busy lately, too busy for internet land anyways.
Summer has hit hard here in the interior of British Columbia. It's at least 25 degrees Celsius already this morning... yikes! Especially for pasty-white-skinned folk like myself. ;) Regardless, Miss Rose and I have been slapping on the sun screen and going for daily jogs to the airport and back almost every morning. Gotta say, I love having a jogging stroller. Some days I cannot help but laugh about the things that delight us once we become parents! The simple things become so much more important!
